giovedì 4 dicembre 2008


How do you celebrate Christmas Eve/and New Year's Eve?
Who usually buys you presents? Why?
Who do you usually give presents to? Why?

What kind of presents do you like getting?
Do you believe in Santa Clause?
Do you attend to church during Christmas?
How do you say "Santa Clause" in your Country?
When do you dress Christmas tree? Is it fake or real? Why?
Who does it?
Do you sing any Christmas carols?
How do you celebrate Christmas Eve at school among your friends and teachers?

sabato 15 novembre 2008

My alphabet

A. abroad- I really like going abroad
B. beach- my town is on the Jonio beach
C. cold- it’s very cold in December
D. doors are very useful in an apartment
E. English is my first language
F. French- is my second language
G. Green is my favourite colour
H. Hotels- I worked there when I was a student
I. Iron is a strong metal much used for tools
J. Jerry the name of my dog
K. Key we use it to open the door
L. London the capital city of England
M. Milan is a business city in the north-west of Italy
N. Naples is well known all over the world, for the volcano Vesuvio and for the Pizzas
O. Olympus divine abode of Greek gods
P. Pasta is used in Italian cooking
Q. Quarter now It’s a quarter past six
R. I Read newspapers every day
S. The Sun is very hot in summer
T. Policoro is my Town
U. Umbrella- we use it when it rains
V. Vodka Alcoholic spirit from Russia
W. Wallet we use it for holding euros
X. Xmas abbreviating of Christmas

venerdì 14 novembre 2008

How to ask your Boss for a salary increase..?

Dear Bo$$

In thi$ life, we all need $ome thing mo$t de$perately. I think you $hould be under$tanding of the need$ of u$ worker$ who have given $o much $upport including $weat and $ervice to your company.

I am $ure you will gue$$ what I mean and re$pond $oon. Your$ $incerely,

The next day, the employee received this letter of reply:

I kNOw you have been working very hard. NOwadays, NOthing much has changed. You must have NOticed that our company is NOt doing NOticeably well as yet. NOw the newspaper are saying the world`s leading ecoNOmists are NOt sure if the United States may go into aNOther recession. After the NOvember presidential elections things may turn bad. I have NOthing more to add NOw. You kNOw what I mean.

venerdì 26 settembre 2008


Policoro, a little town of Basilicata, a region situated in the south of Italy. Basilicata is a land of natural beauty, a very mountainous region with a small coast line on both the Tyrrhenian and Ionian seas. The presence of both these seas in Basilicata makes our region a fascinating and beautiful land, an excellent place for tourists to sunbathe on the wonderful sandy beaches. Policoro has got a population of about 16000 people. In the town there are green areas, gardens and parks where people can relax.
The most famous old building to see is the Baronial Palace. Near the Palace stands the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Ponte, a small rural church. Then there is the National Museum of Siritide, opened in the 60s, where you can see very interesting archaeological findings. The archaeological Park, situated behind the museum, includes the remains of ancient Siris –Heraclea. Near the museum stands the Sanctuary of Demetra and the Archaic Temple dedicated to Dionysus. The Heraclea Archaeological Museum exhibits documents relating to prehistoric, archaic, classic, Hellenistic, roman and medieval life of the town and of the surrounding territory. It is famous all over Italy. Our town is also a seaside resort, it is surrounded by the beautiful nature, crystal clear sea, so tourism plays its part. The coast is equipped with several tourist facilities where to spend summer holidays. Tourists can stay in comfortable hotels, boarding houses, residences, houses to rent and pretty camping sites. The main working activities of the population are : farmers, workers, shopkeepers; the artisan job s are still preserved.
Students attend school in Policoro because there are almost all kinds of schools: kindergartens, primary and secondary schools (Liceo Scientifico, Tecnologico, Linguistico, Istituto professionale, Tecnico etc.. ).

domenica 21 settembre 2008


Our school
The school in the picture is our school. It is in the centre of Policoro.
This school is quite big: there are about one thousand students and eighty teachers. In the school students can choose three profiles : foreing languages, science and technology. In our opinion it’s quite well equipped, in fact there are seven labs: three IT labs, one language lab, one art lab, one chemistry and one physics lab. In addition there are: the auditorium, a video-room, the gym and a bar.
At our school we study a lot of subjects, such as Italian, Maths, English, French, Latin, P.E., R.E., I.C.T., Art, German, History, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Law. Apart from the subjects included in the curriculum, we can choose a lot of after school activities and projects to join in (about forty): Drama, E - twinning, Sport Activities, a counselling centre and foreign language certificates (English, French and German) are just some of them.